Industrial Radiator Applications

Benefits of e-Coating with CoreKote 2000™

e-Coating Customer Benefits

  1. reduces lifetime costs of replacement by 300% to 500%,
  2. reduces downtime and lost profits,
  3. reduces maintenance costs and engine wear, especially damage from overheating,
  4. maintains engine performance/power and fuel usage,
  5. maintains particulate emissions' output as heat exchangers are a critical part in maintaining emission levels, and
  6. increases uptime/production/profits.

What more value can be added? A cool, 5-year warranty!

e-Coating Supplier Benefits

  1. Proves to your customers that your company has their best interests at heart.
  2. Earns your customers' loyalty and trust.
  3. Shows your customers that you know their business and the best technical solutions to support them in solving them.
  4. Helps to increase your customers' bottom lines by reducing unplanned breakdowns and unnecessary, expensive repairs.